The P.I.E.T. is situated close to Delhi on NH-44 (formerly known as NH-1) It has modern infrastructure & ranks amongst the best Institutes in the region.
In Engg./Pharmacy Disciplines, Electrician, Plumber, Security Supervisor, Security Guard. Qualifications as per AICTE/UGC/PCl/DTE & affiliating University norms, Pay Scale as per AICTE/DTE & PCI norms, higher salary for well-experienced/deserving and competent candidates. Retired persons from IlTs, NITS, University and Research Institutions with good health may also apply.
Applications are invited for the posts on the prescribed application forms available on the website. The number of vacant position as mentioned can be increased or decreased on the day of Interview. A Photocopy of application form may also be sent to the Dean of Colleges, Kurukshetra.